
Why Windows Pocket PC is better

Windows Pocket PC
I have been using mobile for several years and for the past 3+ years I have been using Windows Mobile. My first Windows Mobile was I-Mate Jam later I bought I-Mate K-Jam. Currently, I am using T-Mobile Vario II for the past year.

Since K-Jam I have been using Windows Mobile 6.0. K-Jam comes with Windows mobile 5.0 however I cooked a 6.0 Rom. The features of 6.0 were really amazing and the performance was also better than compare to 5.0

The first time when I cooked Rom I was scared to install it as I was not aware of the mobile would come up or not or will I brick my phone. However, after a few attempts, I could manage to install the Rom successfully. I also install the cooked Rom’s on my friend’s Pocket Pc. It is fun for me to have new features without changing the handset.

I also installed WM6.0 when I bought Vario II. Later when Windows 6.1 was launched, I was thrilled to see the features of 6.1 and started to research where to get the cooked Rom or where do I get the ingredients to cook one.

After almost a month I could manage to create 6.1 Rom and install it in my Vario II.

Well, I could not see much of new features in the new version of Windows Mobile 6.1 apart from a few good features.

  • Instant messaging-like text
  • Simpler e-mail and Bluetooth setup
  • New Home screen interface
  • New Getting Started Center
  • Security enhancements
  • Easier Wi-Fi connection

Click here to view a comparison chart of Windows Mobile versions

This makes windows mobile interesting there are lots of third-party tools which make usage of phones amazing. (I will cover third-party Software in a future blog).

I was never scared of losing my data while upgrading the OS or installing applications. All the data like contacts and files on my mobile is always synced with my Laptop and my SMS is always synced with Jeyo Mobile Extender.

To summarise, I have used various mobiles (Nokia, Samsung, Sony) the best experience and value for money I found is with Windows Mobile.

However all said and done, I am all game for the new revolution of Google Android (The first open-source mobile operating system). My research is on Android and hopefully will get some useful tips on the site too.

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