
Best 10 Interactive Open-Source Tools for Work from Home

Open-Source Tools for Work From Home

Working from home is the new normal these days. Individuals must try creating a comfortable environment that enables you to work for longer hours. Working with a virtual team becomes simplified with interactive tools. Choose one of the best open-source tools to work from home that makes it easier for you to focus on work. Real-time tools keep your work organised and integrated. Whether, you are an IT developer, animator, or an artist, collaborative tools help you to coordinate with the team and complete projects on time.

Picking one of the most User-Friendly Open-Source Tools


  1. Drawpile Whiteboard– Whiteboard is one of the most used office tools during meetings and conferences. Using real-time Drawpile allows drawing sessions and the host can invite users. On the virtual whiteboard, you can explain or track ideas easily to the online members.
  2. Jitsi– Video conferencing enables users to connect from distant places. A good internet connection and a user-friendly digital tool such as Jitsi provide a wonderful interacting experience. Visit to connect users on a conference room by a randomly generated URL for the best virtual chatting experience.
  3. Riot team chat– Team chats are essential for coordinated work from remote areas. A good team chat tool helps you to do instant messaging and send GIFs, emojis, and images. Built on Matrix, Riot provides support for modern communication by providing organised chat rooms and team integration.
  4. Nextcloud shared storage and calendar– Cloud storage is an essential requirement for coordinated teamwork during work from home. Nextcloud is an online storage cloud where you can keep files and documents that automatically syncs with your desktop or mobile. The app offers much more than just being a dropbox for the data. You can also schedule events on the calendar and share it with your team or clients.
  5. Etherpad shared documents– Online collaboration becomes easier with Etherpad where you can invite people for working on an online document. Etherpad is a real-time sharing application that enables users to make faster additions and edits. It enables users to do quick revisions together as a team.
  6. Joplin – Joplin is a virtual notebook where users can note down important ideas and points. It’s a simple digital notebook where you can store innumerable entries. The entries can be either in text, hyperlink, graphics, or a to-do list. You can even sync the notebooks with your desktop or mobile.
  7. Kanban board – It is an online project planning and management tool that enables team members to streamline daily or weekly tasks. It has a great feature Taiga, a post-it-note that helps members to track deadline tasks. It is a very useful collaborative and interactive tool where users can drag and drop tasks from one column to the other to manage progress.
  8. EtherCalc shared spreadsheets– The digital tool allows users to work on an online spreadsheet. Users can even import data from existing spreadsheets and countless text files. This is alternative to Google Docs that does not come under Open-Source Tools, however if you have GMail if you can always use Google Docs to create and share sheets.
  9. Libre Office – Libre is a perfect office suite Open-Source Tools for those who do office work all day. It has tools such as word, spreadsheets, slide presentations, and vector-based drawing applications. It is a good office application that enables users to perform office tasks effectively.
  10. Linux – Linux is a free and open-source operating system. Linux was traditionally operating system for for developers & coders, however over the years various distribution have worked towards making Lunix better option for general consumers. Linux comes in with variety of forms, often known as ‘distros’ or ‘distribution’ or ‘flavours’. However MX Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Manjaro and Fedora lead the market.

Use these interactive open-source tools to enhance your work from home experience and boost productivity today!

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