Life Style

Being A Woman Today!

working women

Skin through the newspapers these days and it is easy to make this conclusion: Women have definitely come a long way from the day their opinions and voices were left unheard

and unrepresented. Today, women get to enjoy a better life: more quality, better opportunities, and the power to make decisions so they can dictate how their future and that of their daughters will turn out to be.

Over the years, women have come together to make a difference, changing policies to work in their benefit, shaping mindsets so women will no longer be seen as second class compared to their male counterparts, creating a better world at the end of the day for their daughters.

From politics to equality, the world is shifting for women. While it may not be ideal still, the fact is they have definitely come a long way. And you know what that means? That better things are soon to happen. Where’s one for women!  Better careers, safer policies and regulations, achievements by women and a brighter future for all. Seems like there’s a lot to look forward to on being a woman today!

News of women being appointed as cabinet members in governments worldwide is no longer a rarity. And we’re not talking just minor roles but those of significance to the government. Women all around can be sure that their voices and welfare will no longer be sidestepped.  With more women in Congress, come better policies. Once male-centric countries such as the Arab ones have allowed women to not only vote but also run for national office. Even in South American countries, one-third of the leaders of defense are now women, who are making decisions on peace and justice.

Better Work Opportunities

From playgrounds to boardrooms, more women today are heading Fortune 500-type companies globally. Many women are in power when it comes to business. The fact is women are just as capable as men to make boardroom decisions, and many a times their strategies have created business opportunities.

It is not just the boardroom where women are succeeding. In under-developed countries like Afghanistan and Africa, women are creating opportunities for themselves to break the poverty barrier. Organizations are also at hand to help and provide support. Even in developed countries, change is significant. In Australia, women’s earnings have increased by 22.3 per cent. Over 1.6 million new jobs have been created since 1996, and unemployment for women has fallen from 7.6 per cent to 5.5 per cent.

While conditions may have improved, there is still much to be done. And women globally are coming together to ensure positive changes take place. While once women are often in the background when it comes to making a difference today, they are vocal about what needs to be done. It’s clear that the days of being submissive are over.

Here in India, a literacy drive known as the Total Literacy Campaign (TLC) has been developed to help women learn to read and write. The program has successfully taught them to be more empowered in the Indian society, and many students return as volunteer teachers, spreading knowledge to other women.

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