
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)


There are children in the classroom who sit are backbenchers but always know all the answers. There’s a Capricorn for you. What we need to know is that Capricorn is a male sign, meaning that even

the Capricorn females show certain male characteristics. Surprisingly, the male and female Capricorns are poles apart, as far as behavioral traits are considered.

  • Capricorn Male – People sometimes mistake the tough and harsh exterior of these people to be evil and unkind. They are not unkind, just a tad too practical to be kind. A Capricorn male is mellow on the inside and a diehard romantic. If you are engaged to a Capricorn, don’t be surprised if he is dressed in his best suit and waiting with flowers and Opera tickets, when you come back home after a tired day. On the other hand, there will be days when you will not even see him and he will be all worked up inside his Chemistry lab.

A Capricorn male is very intelligent, much more than people give him credit for but that is also because of his overtly proud and sarcastic nature. Capricorns are natural with words and everything that is logical but the moment you ask them to deal with emotions, they go berserk. Emotions are something the Capricorn male was never strong at and, if the stars are being read correctly, never will. However, the prime flaw is their lack of tact. If you are a Capricorn, you would be shaking your head at this and might even decide not to waste your time reading further, but that doesn’t change the fact that Capricorns lack tact. They are especially found to suffer a lot in relationships because they do not know what to say when. They also find it very difficult to socialize and are basically introverted people.

  • Capricorn Female – Capricorn females have always been read erratically. The male traits have always been mistaken to be the female traits which has lead to a lot of confusion on the real character of these mysterious women. Capricorn females are overtly talkative, unlike their male counterparts. They love having fun, hanging out with people, doing artistic things and are also very flamboyant, which are some traits that the Capricorn males have the opposite of. These females are generally mysterious but also showy and a little too inflexible in matters of the heart.

If your woman, accidentally or on purpose, says things, which hurt you to your limits, but then talks to you next morning as if nothing happened, you have a Capricorn female. However, Pisces are known for forgetting about fights too, but that is mainly because their memory is worse than a goldfish’s. Capricorn females, on the other hand, never forgive and forget, and your female, in the given case, is just pretending to move on. She will mention the issue later when you least expect it. So, be on the watch.

Overall, the sign is very wise and mature. As kids, Capricorns are calm and quiet and never do wayward things. They are always good academically. These people are dark horses and can always surprise you. However, they are the most misunderstood people too.

The Year Ahead

The year begins with worries. If you have children, then take care of their education and marriage. Health will be good and if you are seeking a new job, then you can rest assured, as you will get a good one. This year sees a good time in relationship clearing all misunderstandings. Have trust in your partner and show him or her your passionate side.

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