
Best Online and Offline Games To Kill Boredom in COVID-19 Lockdown


Stuck at home due to COVID-19 Lockdown? Here’s how you can stay occupied while staying indoors.

There is a wide array of offline games available now, each comprehending various genres. On the other hand, the gameplay mechanics of online games are quite simple. However, they often involve very feeble storylines or no storyline at all. Since each of the game types has a separate fan base, you need to choose a game that goes with your personality.

Offline Vs. Online

Offline games come with a story that unfolds, involving the player as one of the main characters. So as a participant, you need to get more emotionally involved with the character that you are assuming. But if you are more interested in games that require social interaction or games that need just an internet connection with good speed, then choosing online games is the way to go.


Choosing Your Offline Game

The genres of offline games include everything from Role Playing Games (RPG), war, action, strategy, and whatnot! Whether you love traveling, have a secret penchant for treasure hunting, or have a liking for supernatural mysteries, then there is something to cater to your taste. For example:

  • Games like Alto’s Odyssey give you the chance to guide Alto over dimpling rivers, temple ruins, hills and hillocks, and gorges. If you eventually fail in the expedition, then you have the chance to start again.
  • Minecraft is a game that involves more than searching for diamonds. The journey to mine involves every life event that you might have wished for in real life- building a house, having your own firm, or embarking on an endless journey with plenty of supplies.
  • Oxenfree is another offline game that takes you back to your teenage days in the eighties. Also, a creepy island, supernatural twists, and engaging characters leave you wanting more.
  • Her Story allows you to become a murder suspect who is going to be drilled by the police. However, since it is your story, the game gives you the chance to decide your fate on the basis of the keywords you search for and the clips you prepare.

Alto’s Odyssey

Some of the equally enthralling offline games include Stardew Valley, Monument Valley, Mini Metro, The Room, Hidden Folks, and 80 Days among others.

Your Type Of Online Game

There is no dearth of online games to play. Some of the most popular games include:

  • Real-Time Strategy Games (RTS)
  • Console Gaming
  • Browser Games
  • Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMO)
  • Battle Royale Games
  • M-Housie is a live online party game it’s available to play anytime and anywhere with friends or family.


It just takes a little bit of searching to look for a game that suits you.

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