
Tips To Use Technology for Your Child’s Education


Are you worried that your child might get addicted to the laptop or touchscreen smartphone if you give him / her one? Well, technology is rapidly spreading in all aspects of modern life and your child is no exception to that. Using technology for your child’s educational purposes will ensure that he/she is well versed with its usage while exploiting it for its benefits rather than harmful usage. There are numerous ways in which you can empower your child to use technology for his / her education. Here are 4 tips for that purpose:

Show Him How To Use Technology

When you are introducing a new technology or gadget to your child, ensure that you can devote enough time to show him/her how to use it properly. Failing to do this will result in hazardous and misguided usage of the gadget. As a result, there will be no negative impacts on the child. It might also damage the expensive gadget that you gifted him/her. While guiding him on how to use it, try to tell install the values of moderate and profitable usage of the gadget in him.

Puzzle Solving

When you give a tablet or a smartphone to your child, ensure that he is using it to solve puzzles, play Sudoku, or other similar games that improve his analytical and problem-solving techniques. This will help him solve mathematical problems and other similar problems when he grows up.

Parental Control Software

The worry that a child might use the internet on his laptop for abusive usage always preys on a parent’s mind. You can safeguard your child from viewing inappropriate websites and registering on social networking sites by installing parental control software on the system. This software monitor and moderates his / her activity and reports it to you via email. In case you are not technologically sound enough to use it, ask someone to install it for you.

You can also use similar software to ensure that your child is not playing too many video games or video games inappropriate for his age.

Moderate The Hours

Anything in moderation is helpful and technology for children is no alien to this concept. Allowing your child to watch television, surf on the internet, play video games, et al. is not completely bad as popularly believed. But you must ensure that he is not spending too much time indulging in these activities. Try to allot specific times of the day for watching television or playing video games. This will help him/her to be disciplined. In case he/she fails to adhere to this rule, be firm and moderately punish him (say, by reducing the allotted time for the next week). This will allow him to reap the benefits of technology without being spoiled.

Technology, when used in moderation and aptly according to the child’s age can provide immense developmental and educational value to his / her growth. On the other hand, if you fail to adhere to these tips, technology can have tremendously harmful effects on your child.

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