
Pros and Cons of Distance Learning Courses

distance learning

As the need for a degree and professional training is shooting up, India has been witnessing an upsurge in the number of people choosing distance learning courses in order to get a degree. Well, as with anything on earth, distance learning courses come with their fair share of pros and cons.

This piece aims at making the choice of enrolling for a distance learning course for you easier by categorically listing the various upsides and downsides involved with distance learning courses.

The Pros


One of the biggest upsides of distance learning courses is the fact that there are no time-bound semesters and course commencement times. You can choose to start one at your own convenient time. Also, the fact that you will need a computer and an internet connection makes it far easier than conventional methods of education.

It is better For Some Learners

It has been seen that many students can’t fair as good when they are faced with a formidable number of students in a classroom. They deliver better results when left alone with the process of learning and learning through visual cues and experimental exercises. It is also helpful for avoiding language barriers and other social problems.


When you study from home, you invariably cut back on a lot of expenses associated with conventional courses. You save on traveling money (and time), costs of accommodation, et al. It has also been seen that the course fee for distance learning is usually lesser than that of conventional methods. Thus it is particularly helpful if you have a limited budget.

The Cons

Lack of A Teacher

Sometimes it makes all the difference in the world when a human in physical form is sitting in front of you and teaching you. This is particularly necessary in case you fail to comprehend the given method of teaching a certain concept and need alternatives. If your learning style is instructor based, it is recommended that you avoid distance learning courses.


Let’s face the harsh truth. A distance learning course can never match the repute of a conventional degree from a college or a university. Many employers tend to disregard degrees from distance learning courses. Though this trend is seeing a change for the better with the advancement of the years, the social stigma remains to date.

Lack of A Campus Atmosphere

A very important part of learning is interacting with other people from your and other disciplines. This not only helps you to enrich your knowledge but gives you an outlook on other possible outcomes and ideas.  The lack of this campus atmosphere in distance learning courses often acts as a setback for many. Also if you are the kind who studies when faced with peer pressure, distance learning courses are not your cup of tea.

The debate about the validity of a distance learning course will always remain. Its non-acceptance is more of a social stigma than a reality. In case you are interested in enrolling for one, go ahead and do it. Just ensure that you go through the various positives and negatives before deciding about it.

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