SportsSports Betting Tips for BeginnersAjay LuliaJanuary 27, 2012January 20, 2023 by Ajay LuliaJanuary 27, 2012January 20, 202303707 People bet on various sports due to a number of reasons. There are some who do it for the sake of fun and make a
FinanceDebunking 5 Investment Myths for YouAjay LuliaJanuary 25, 2012August 18, 2022 by Ajay LuliaJanuary 25, 2012August 18, 202202299 There are a number of myths associated with investments and its time they are debunked for you. You can avoid being a failed bankrupt investor
Life StyleChannelize your Teen’s Thrill in the Right DirectionAjay LuliaJanuary 24, 2012January 23, 2023 by Ajay LuliaJanuary 24, 2012January 23, 202301984 Thrill-seeking happens to be a commonly found characteristic in teens. Extremes of it might be a signal of future drug usage. You as a parent
HealthThe Science behind Skin Ageing and Beauty Products DemystifiedAjay LuliaJanuary 23, 2012January 23, 2023 by Ajay LuliaJanuary 23, 2012January 23, 202302992 The primitive dream to keep our skin looking young and remain healthy is coming true, all thanks to recent research in the laboratory.
HealthAquarius 2012 (January 21 – February 19)Ajay LuliaJanuary 22, 2012January 23, 2023 by Ajay LuliaJanuary 22, 2012January 23, 202302176 Ever looked at children who seem to get along with everyone and yet, are distant? Aquarians are said to be born at the wrong time
Life StyleLoved Ones Can Never Be Forgotten, But Isn’t Coping Important?Ajay LuliaJanuary 22, 2012January 23, 2023 by Ajay LuliaJanuary 22, 2012January 23, 202302014 Sudden or unexpected death is usually more traumatic and grievous than an expected one, which of course also causes pain even though one is mentally
HealthQuit Smoking, Live a LifeAjay LuliaJanuary 21, 2012January 23, 2023 by Ajay LuliaJanuary 21, 2012January 23, 202302149 It is very important that we acknowledge that the cigarette we are picking up today in an effort to be with the crowd and take
EnvironmentHazardous Wastes: Environment KillersAjay LuliaJanuary 20, 2012January 23, 2023 by Ajay LuliaJanuary 20, 2012January 23, 202303745 Apart from releasing gases, particles, and liquids into the atmosphere, we humans produce waste that is dumped into the environment. In most cases, this kind
Life StyleBeing A Woman Today!Ajay LuliaJanuary 19, 2012August 18, 2022 by Ajay LuliaJanuary 19, 2012August 18, 202202158 Skin through the newspapers these days and it is easy to make this conclusion: Women have definitely come a long way from the day their
TechnologyGoogle Joins Anti-SOPA Protest BY Censoring logoAjay LuliaJanuary 18, 2012January 24, 2023 by Ajay LuliaJanuary 18, 2012January 24, 202301733 David Drummond from Google has provided details about the company’s views on SOPA/PIPA in an official