7 Safety Rules To Follow As Gyms Open in MHA Unlock 3.0

With Unlock 3.0 showing signs of reopening cinema theatres and gymnasiums, bear in mind that it is possible that there may be restrictions. You may want to sweat it out at the gym as soon as it opens, so here are a few tips to keep you (and your loved ones) safe from COVID-19.

Stick to Your Time Slot

Make sure you arrive at the gym at your allotted time so you don’t have to rush among other people. You may also want to avoid hovering at the entrance and instead wait at a distance or in your car till the crowd dissipates.

Bring Your Own Water and Supplies

It’ll be best to carry your own bottle of water rather than picking one of those disposable cups at the gym’s water cooler. You could also dress appropriately from your home itself as changing rooms and lockers will probably be shut for use. If you need a yoga mat or mini-weights, bring your own for safety.

Gym Gloves and Armbands

Use gym gloves to reduce contact and to lower the possibility of picking germs off common surfaces. Not just that, the gloves will most likely prevent you from unnecessarily touching your face too. Sweatbands on your arm will also help you prevent sweat dripping down the face.

Sanitise Frequently

If you don’t want to use gloves, make sure you sanitise your hands frequently, especially before and after handling any equipment at the gym. Avoid touching your face and carry your personal hand sanitizer with you.

If You’re Unwell, Stay Home

In case you are feeling sick, it will do you (and others) good to stay at home. You may still be up for a light workout, but remember, you are risking the safety of others at the gym. Do call a doctor if any a nagging cough, cold or fever persists.

Maintain Social Distancing 

Social distancing must be maintained even when at the gym. If it means switching to larger, spacious gyms then so be it. You should always try and keep a distance of 6 feet from others.

No Face Mask while Working Out

Although it’s a public environment, medical experts advise against wearing masks during exercise as they restrict your breathing and hasten your heartbeat rate.

Follow these simple suggestions and you can safely return to a world of fitness at your favourite gyms.

If you have any suggestion on the article 7 Safety Rules To Follow As Gyms Open in MHA Unlock 3.0, then please feel free to share them in comment box below.

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